Welcome to Solidarity Consolidated.

Solidarity Consolidated’s mission is to provide all citizens with access to the best products, tools, assets and people the universe has to offer.
— Samantha Shield, CEO

with humanity’s expansion into the universe came many challenges. limitless potential, lawlessness, idealism, revolution, piracy and an over-arching ambiguity with right and wrong. To deal with this, the UE formed a covert organization code named SPOOKS in 2699.

their mission was to aide the citizens of the ever expanding verse in whatever manner was necessary to ensure the survival of this new age.

with maturity came progress, lawlessness turned into governance and systems became colonized. different corporations rose to power and need for the spooks changed. in 2887 the Spooks were privatized and sold to Russell Shield. Shield tapped into the expertise of the spooks personnel and separated their functions into six divisions.

those six divisions make up SOLIDARITY CONSOLIDATED, and today SC offers a wide variety of goods and services to the citizens of the verse.

Come see what Solidarity Consolidated can do for you!


Stellar Studies

Explore the Cosmos

Stellar Studies division provides citizens with access to all manner of exploration ships and services.

SC hangars include multiple Anvil Carracks, MISC Odysseys, Origin 600i and RSI Galaxy and a whole lot more.

In addition to ship access, this division provides citizens with system mapping, jump point identification and a wide variety of discovery services with claims.

Stellar Studies also includes all of our luxury lines for transport across the verse. including numerous 890 Jump, genesis starliner and Spirit E1.



Economic success

Credits are essential to long term success in the verse. You will need a lot of them and The Privateering and Mercantile division specializes in making you rich!

The accumulation of your wealth is our purpose and equipping you with the right assets, knowledge, expertise and know how is our specialty.

in the verse there is very little black and white, more shades of grey and we know how to navigate the grey better than anyone.

buying, selling, locating, finding, fencing .

Banu Merchantmen, Kraken Privateer and all manner of trade are at your disposal.

what ye seek shall be found - and sold!


navigation and guidance

The universe is a big place, and getting started can be overwhelming.

Solidarity Consolidated’s Orienteering services are the answer to any new citizen’s questions.

guides, trainers, teachers and mentors are the mainstay of this division. being a part of our orienteering division is the best starting point for any new team member and will ensure a successful future and long term career in the verse.
Here you’ll learn the essentials to enable your long term success.



The verse isn’t always a safe and secure place. whether it is the protection of personnel, goods, locations or information, the overwatch function provides the assurance of safety and security.

from wingman to watchmen, from mercenaries to man-at-arms, overwatch protects.

Often times an overwhelming show of force is the only deterrent you will need. rest easily though, knowing the moment you need that force to fight — it will. and it will succeed in keeping you and your assets safe and secure.

overwatch is also the home of our bounty hunters and their services. armed with the best ships and armaments, you can trust the target will be obtained.

javelin, Idris-m, Idris-k, Kraken, Polaris, Perseus - if a war is required to keep you safe a war it shall be.

Kepler Systems

Building our Future

Colonization, base building, land claims, planetary terrain mapping, mineral rights discovery and ownership - whatever the need Kepler Systems has you covered.

equipped with multiple original land claims, pioneers, galaxies, and all current and future build functionality, kepler systems is the one stop shop for making your claim in the universe.

If you want to build it this is the place for you. if you want to claim it, this is the place for you. if you want to own it, this is the place for you.

Supply Chain

industry industry

Industry is the fuel of the verse and is at the core of every component of life and liberty.

cargo, salvage, mining, repair, refuel, refit, recover, rearm, repurpose.

resources and the supply chain and logistics to make it all work is the core capability of this organization.

Supply chain is Solidarity Consolidated’s largest division, with over 100 ships dedicated to the variety of good and services needed to ensure the fires of industry stay lit.

Orion, Arrastra, Reclaimer, Vulture, Vulcan, Hull-E, D, C, B, A, C2, M2, C1, Caterpillar, Liberator, endeavor, Apollo, Crucible, Legionnaire and many many others serve the SC supply chain.

gather, refine, resupply and reimagine your role in the verse as you enable access to all goods and services across the expanse of the verse.

Meet our Partners

Organizations Affiliated with Solidarity Consolidated